Fit Tip: 4th of July Bodyweight HIIT Workout

Summer is here, the kids are out of school, and many of us have stored up our vacation days for travel around the big Fourth of July Holiday. Celebrating Independence Day often means lounging around on the beach or by the pool, sipping cocktails, eating delicious foods off the grill, and staying up late to watch fireworks light up the sky. But what about working out?
First things first: I’m a BIG believer in making vacation exactly that: vacation. Take a break from your normal day-to-day routine; get extra sleep if you can, turn off those smart phones and laptops, and RELAX. Also take the opportunity to unplug and unwind from your normal workout schedule! By mixing it up you won’t lose the strength and endurance or other results you’ve worked for months to build up and it may also help you maintain your workout routine in the long run.
Also don’t feel guilty about enjoying some delicious holiday food. Despite eating and drinking differently than we do at home, we’re not likely to gain a lot of weight on vacation if we can just stay active. That’s probably because we feel less stressed on vacation and we can take advantage of the great outdoors and get our bodies moving in so many other fun ways.
So, grab the friends and family you’re vacationing with and try some of these ideas to work more activity into your holiday time to boost your energy and add to your memorable holiday!
- Begin your day with movement
Whether you have young children getting you up at the crack of dawn, or you’re just an early riser, getting moving before the day gets going is the perfect way to wake up. A walk on the beach, yoga on the balcony, or a quick run will get you warmed up for a day of relaxing.
- Get those endorphins going and your energy up!
Being in the sun all day can drain your energy, and make you feel more tired than you actually are. A quick 10-minute hiit workout in the morning or before dinner can give you a quick boost of energy and add to those feel good hormones as well.
- You don’t need a lot of gear for a great workout
There are endless ways to exercise that don’t require lots of equipment. Find a free bodyweight workout online (maybe on the BowFlex YouTube channel), stick a resistance band in your suitcase, or check out the hotel or condo complex’s gym space.
- And you don’t need a lot of time!
Even just ten or fifteen minutes of activity can leave you feeling healthy, strong, and confident!
For some inspiration – check out this 4th of July Bodyweight HIIT Workout Below for a quick Holiday HIIT!
4th of July Fours: 4 exercises, 40 seconds each, 4 rounds.
- Star Jump
- Star Crunch
- Firecracker Lunge
- Stars and Stripes
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