Fit Tip: Post-Pregnancy Exercises for Your Abs

Congratulations mama! You’ve just spent nine (well ten, actually) months creating and carrying a new life and now that the little bundle of joy is out you might be looking down saying, what the heck happened to my stomach?
Whenever I ask my clients about their fitness goals every single new mom has said to me that the top priority is to get her abs looking normal again. Let’s start there. Once you have kids there is a new normal for your tummy and it may include loose skin and stretch marks. Your abs can still look fantastic, just know that they probably won’t look the same as they did pre-pregnancy.
Here are some exercises to help you get your groove back once you are cleared by your doctor to exercise. After childbirth, particularly after a c-section, it is important to build up your deep tissue abdominal muscles.
Aim to do this workout four times per week, with a rest day in between.
Go slowly and listen to your body. Each week you should feel stronger as your body learns the exercises. When the exercise becomes too easy you can increase the number of repetitions (which is why a range is listed) but only so much where you can maintain proper form. As a rule of thumb, the last two reps of each set should be challenging. For cardio you can either pick up your pace or increase the incline.

1st Month Post-Partum
Exercise | Sets | Reps | Rest |
Warm up – walk on treadmill, no incline, speed 3 | 1 | 5 minutes | 30 seconds |
Pelvic Bridge | 3 | 10-15 | 45 seconds |
Walk on treadmill, 3% incline, speed 3.5 | 1 | 5 minutes | 30 seconds |
Towel Pulse | 3 | 15-20 | 45 seconds |
Walk on treadmill, 5% incline, speed 4 | 1 | 5 minutes | 30 seconds |
Single-Leg Stretch with towel | 3 | 10/each | 45 seconds |
Cool down – walk on treadmill, no incline, speed 3 | 1 | 5 minutes | 30 seconds |
Pelvic Bridge
Towel Pulse
Single-Leg Stretch with Towel
Remember it took you nine (well, ten) months to have the baby, so be patient with your amazing and beautiful body as it gets back in shape. As your core gets stronger you will be able to transition into more typical ab exercises like planks and twists. You got this mama!
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