The Five-Minute Summer Body Workout – Round 3

Summer will be here before you know it and, if you start now, you can lose fat and tone your body to get ready for the warmer weather. I know you are busy so to maximize your time as well as your results, I put together another quick-yet-effective workout that provides a combination of strength training and cardio. Yes, these circuit-style workouts may be just a few minutes in length but if you do them consistently and with the right intensity, they will reap big rewards.
This 5-minute workout may not seem like it's enough, but science tells us that every workout counts. It's all about consistency. You are much more likely to fit shorter workouts throughout your day than trying to set aside 30 or 60 minutes.
So grab a set of SelectTech Dumbbells and give it a try. Since there are no real rest breaks, your heart rate stays elevated as you move from one strength exercise to the next, burning calories while you build lean muscle.
Four exercises. 30 seconds each. Two times through.
- Biceps Curls
- Overhead Shoulder Presses
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Bicycle Crunches
Have a few extra minutes to spare? Combine this routine with another BowFlex workout like the The Four-Minute Butt & Thigh Sculpting Workout.