Four Minute HIIT Workout with BowFlex Max Trainer

High intensity interval training is all the rage. And the reason that it’s all the rage is because it gets results in less time. If you're looking for an alternate high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout to perform with your BowFlex Max Trainer, look no further than this 4-minute HIIT workout guided by BowFlex Fitness Advisor Amy Dixon. Watch the video and give this workout ALL you've got. You'll be amazed at how many calories you're able to burn in just 4 minutes.
What It Looks Like
The 4-Minute HIIT Workout is broken up into four rounds. Each round, you will perform 20 seconds of high intensity and 40 seconds of recovery. Our recommendation is to set your Max Trainer to Manual Mode for this workout.
Pro Tips
- It's important that you warm up properly before diving right in.
- Ease out of your high intensity intervals; make sure to not come to a complete stop.
- Place your hands where they feel best to push for the most effort.
- If you feel conditioned enough to try this again for a second round, go for it! Take as long as you need to recover before launching into the second round.
Want more quick workout ideas? Check out our Quick Workouts playlist on our YouTube channel.
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