Tom's 1 Minute Pro Tip - Why Do Some People Gain Weight When They Start Working Out?

Losing weight: It’s still the number one reason most people work out, especially when it comes to doing cardiovascular exercise. The primary goal is to torch as many calories as possible in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of discomfort. While improving your health is also an added benefit of cardiovascular exercise, let’s face it - You suffer and sweat so that you can see that number on your scale go down, down, down...
Your logic is both simple and sound: Science says that raising your heart rate requires additional energy, energy that comes from caloric expenditure. Calories burned.
How is it possible, then, that some people actually gain weight after starting an exercise program? Doesn’t that defy the very laws of science? If you are burning more, shouldn’t you start weighing less?
Just like so many other aspects of exercise and weight loss, the common reasons for this “phenomenon” are not as complicated as they are often made out to be. The laws of science still apply. So what are the possible causes of weight gain while working out? Watch this quick video and find out!
Video Transcript
Tom's 1 Minute Pro Tip - Why Do Some People Gain Weight When They Start Working Out?
Hi, I'm Tom Holland Bowflex Fitness Adviser.
Why do some people gain weight when they start working out more?
One of the reasons is compensatory eating. Some people just get hungrier after working out and they tend to eat more.
So what you want to do is be careful that you don't take in too many calories after a workout and you don't overestimate how many calories you burned.
So it's really common, some people just tend to get hungry or after certain workouts they eat more.
So if you are going to eat more, if you do find yourself hungry after a workout, just go for the healthy snack. Choose healthy foods and you will be fine.
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