
The Long Journey — A Nurse Shares his Path to Healthy Living
"It's not always the motivation, it's the commitment." – Scott Martin, 46 Meet Scott: nurse, dad and mountain biker. While it may sound like he has it all, it was a long journey to gain what he has today. Before... Read More

How a Former Rugby Player and Fitness Model Got Her Body Back
Meet Jodie: a working mom, former rugby player and fitness model. She brings a new spin to the idea of seeing and feeling results from a workout. With her incredible fitness background, what was there to gain? A lot for... Read More

A Weight Loss Story That Will Inspire You!
Meet Colleen. At 55, Colleen Whiteaker had been overweight her entire life. She suffered from high blood pressure and, after spending a decade trying to lose the extra weight, she'd almost given up. Her children approached her and encouraged her... Read More

Waste Not Want Not
I recently moved into a new apartment and realized all my junk moved with me. I've spent the past two weeks tossing old papers, photos, pens and other things I don't need or even like. I'm not saying I belong... Read More