Transformation Tuesday: Nathan Lost 61 Pounds in 22 Weeks

In our #TransformationTuesday series, we chat with real BowFlex owners who have experienced major successes in their fitness journey. This week, we got to know Nathan. Inspired by his wife's fitness success, Nathan lost 61 pounds in 22 weeks with the help of the BowFlex Max Trainer and BowFlex SelectTech dumbbells.
In March of 2017, Nathan's wife of 13 years began her own fitness journey. Nathan was ready to support her in any way he could – besides actually exercising himself. Seven months down the road, his wife had lost 40 pounds and was in the best shape of her life. But September was quickly approaching, and Nathan's wife, an educator, became concerned that with school starting back up and with cooler temperatures on the horizon, wouldn't be able to find the time to continue with exercise.
So they began their search and stumbled upon the BowFlex Max Trainer.
According to Nathan, the Max Trainer was the clear winner because it would give them the ability to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Additionally, MAX would take up little space compared to other equipment.
Agreeing that this was their best solution, they decided to buy MAX. Nathan's wife was thrilled – as was Nathan. Realizing that this machine wasn't hard on his injury-prone knees, Nathan began using the machine in September 2017.
By Thanksgiving, Nathan's wife had lost 10 more pounds, reaching her fitness goal.
Nathan? Had lost 35 pounds. And by Christmas, had lost 45 pounds.
Nathan's wife noticed a major change – not just in Nathan's physical results, but in his mentality. He was loving his fitness journey.
So for Christmas, she surprised him with a pair of BowFlex SelectTech dumbbells.
Since Christmas of 2017, Nathan has supplemented his Max Trainer workouts with SelectTechs. In all, Nathan has lost 61 pounds and can't wait to share his next big milestone.
Keep up the awesome work!