The Ultimate Dumbbell Arm Workout

When it comes to getting great-looking arms, all you truly need are a pair of dumbbells like the BowFlex® SelectTech® Dumbbells and a few simple exercises. That's it. I have done these exact moves since I began working out as a teenager, and will continue to do so as long as I am lifting weights. Are they simple? Absolutely. Do they work? Without a doubt.
The Ultimate Dumbbell Arm Workout
We often look for the newest, greatest fad-type routine, when in fact it's the basics that will get us our desired results. When sculpting the arms, you cannot go wrong by sticking with what has worked since the beginning of time; in scientific terms it is called flexion, extension, and abduction. As long as you use challenging weight, maintain good form, and are consistent with your workouts, you can have great-looking arms, regardless of your age.
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