
A woman performing a bicycle crunch.

Don't Skip Ab Day

Posted On Mar 30, 2020 By BowFlex Insider Team

You are probably familiar with the phrase “Don’t skip leg day,” but we’re here to say that your core muscles are important too! When you think of core exercises, your mind likely goes to old school sit-ups, but there are many more options... Read More
A woman drinking water.

How to Properly Refuel Before, During, and After a Workout

Posted On Mar 6, 2020 By BowFlex Insider Team

If you are going to set aside time to work out, you need to also take the time to properly fuel your body. By eating and hydrating accordingly, your body is adequately prepared to tackle the workout ahead. If you skip this key step... Read More
A woman performing a kettlebell workout.

Fit Tip: Kettlebell Workout

Posted On Mar 5, 2020 By Amy Kiser Schemper

The last few months we have been talking about finding ways to bust out of your fitness comfort zone. In January we discussed changing your repetitions and sets with dropped sets, in February we talked about putting exercises together with compound... Read More
A fit woman performing a weighted lunge.

Fit Tip: Breaking Out Of Your Fitness Comfort Zone - Part II

Posted On Feb 6, 2020 By Amy Kiser Schemper

Last month we talked about "Getting Out of Your Fitness Comfort Zone." For those of us that are already in a regular workout routine that didn't make the traditional fitness or weight loss resolutions in January, we can still... Read More
A woman performing a Russian twist with a BowFlex 840 adjustable kettlebell

Back To School: Dorm Room Workout

Posted On Jan 15, 2020 By BowFlex Insider Team

So you’re back at college after the winter break and are getting back into the swing of things. While you were home, you might have slipped into your old routines of heading to the gym or playing a game of pickup basketball with your siblings, and realized... Read More