
Fit Tip with James White, BowFlex Contributor. How to mix strength training with cardio.

Fit Tip: How to Mix Strength Training with Cardio

Posted On May 14, 2019 By James White

I was preparing to run my first 5k. Being a competitive person I wouldn't be happy with just finishing the run. I had to do my best. I knew I wasn't going to win, as the winners of these local races had sub 5 minute miles and the... Read More
Three fit people flexing their muscles

Fit Tip: Shaping Summer Arms

Posted On May 2, 2019 By Amy Kiser Schemper

“Sun’s out, guns out” is a phrase we hear a lot this time of year! Bright, sunny skies call for tank tops and short sleeves, so it's the perfect time to step up your upper body strength training game. Aesthetics... Read More
Fit Tip with Lisa Traugott, BowFlex Contributor. Spring Clean Your Workout.

Spring Clean Your Workout

Posted On Apr 26, 2019 By Lisa Traugott

Spring has sprung and the weather is (finally!) thawing out. This is a great time to get some fresh air and mix up your workout routine. The best way to make strength gains is to create muscle confusion, so if you’ve been hiding out from Mother... Read More
A trainer helping a person with a bench press.

Fit Tip: Best Exercises for Total Body Strength

Posted On Apr 17, 2019 By James White

When I started working out, I had no idea what I was doing in the gym. I made some progress simply by showing up consistently, but my results would have been much greater if I had a better plan. Back then there was no internet. You... Read More
A woman in front of a birthday cake.

The Yearly Birthday Bucket List

Posted On Apr 8, 2019 By Lisa Traugott

Every year for my birthday I do something to scare myself. It’s kind of like having a bucket list only instead of doing everything all at once and then dropping dead, I do one thing per year and... Read More