
Fit Tip with Amy Kiser Schemper, BowFlex Fitness Advisor. Shaping Summer Legs.

Fit Tip: Shaping Summer Legs

Posted On Apr 4, 2019 By Amy Kiser Schemper

The weather is warming up and swimsuit season is just around the corner! Depending on where you live, you might already be planning a vacation to the beach, or starting to get outside more. As you pack away the sweaters and coats, and unpack the shorts and tanks, you should also... Read More
Transformation Tuesday: Tanya

Transformation Tuesday: Meet Tanya – Supermom & Super Strong

Posted On Apr 2, 2019 By BowFlex Insider Team

In our #TransformationTuesday series, we chat with real BowFlex owners who have not only experienced major successes in their fitness journey, but have overcome major hurdles. This week we interviewed Tanya, a stay-at-home-mother of four children (and a doggie) who lost 45 lbs. with the BowFlex® Max Trainer® machine.... Read More
Fit Tip: How To Stay Motivated When Results Slow Down - Two women giving each other a high-five.

Fit Tip: How To Stay Motivated When Results Slow Down

Posted On Mar 27, 2019 By James White

So you started the New Year with a bang. You found a workout plan and set out to make big changes this year. The first couple weeks were hard, but you were energized and motivated. Then you skipped a workout. No... Read More
Feel in high heels during a competition

Bodybuilding Is For Women Too

Posted On Mar 21, 2019 By Lisa Traugott

If I told you I was a bodybuilder, what image would you have in your mind? Maybe you’d picture a huge dude like The Rock or Arnold Schwarzenegger? Or maybe those guys like Hanz und Franz from the... Read More
A fit woman in a gym sitting on a bench looking tired.

Fit Tip: Overcoming Workout Burnout

Posted On Mar 6, 2019 By Amy Kiser Schemper

In my last post, I encouraged you to think of the New Year as a time of renewal, rather than a time to make resolutions. Despite that, I’m sure many of you made resolutions... Read More