Tom's 1 Minute Pro Tips - How Long Will It Take Before I Start Seeing Results?

What is one of the biggest challenges with getting in shape? Achieving results. Far too many diet and exercise programs promise huge changes in ridiculously short amounts of time, which is unrealistic and leaves you feeling discouraged when you fail to accomplish the impossible.
The truth is that you don't gain five pounds in a week and you won't lose it in that time frame, either.
The incredible downside to these outlandish claims is that you start to believe that you can't achieve your goals.
Well you can.
You can see results regardless of your genetics, your fitness level or how many times you have started and stopped an exercise program. You just need to do two things:
- Be consistent
- Give it time
So exactly how long should you realistically expect it to take before you start to see results from your workout program? Watch this Quick Fit Tip and find out!
Want more quick workout ideas? Check out our Quick Workouts playlist on our YouTube channel.