You Should Add HIIT To Your Fitness Routine – Here’s How

Posted On Mar 25, 2025 By BowFlex Insider Team

woman using a bowflex maxtrainer

With a multitude of priorities competing for our attention these days, it's no wonder only one in five adults get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week to maintain good health. What if there was a way to streamline your workouts to reap the benefits of aerobic activity without the time commitment? Enter: HIIT.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has gained immense popularity over the years — and for good reason. Whether you're looking to burn fat, improve your cardiovascular health, or maximize the efficiency of your workouts, HIIT can be a powerful addition to your fitness routine.

What is HIIT?

HIIT is a style of workout that alternates between short bursts of intense exercise and periods of lower-intensity recovery, or rest. Workouts typically range from 10 — 45 minutes, and follow a structured work-to-rest ratio:

  • 30 seconds of work, followed by 30 seconds of rest (a 1:1 ratio) OR
  • 40 seconds of work, followed by 20 seconds of rest (a 2:1 ratio) OR
  • 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest (tabata style)

HIIT activities can vary, but typically include bodyweight or weighted strength exercises, or cardio-based activities like sprinting, rowing, or cycling.

man using a max trainer

The Benefits of HIIT

HIIT works by pushing your body into an anaerobic state, where it then relies on your stored energy, rather than oxygen. During the recovery periods, your body shifts back into an aerobic state, allowing it to replenish oxygen.

  • It's efficient. HIIT workouts allow you to reap the full benefits of exercise in a short amount of time — ideal if you have a busy schedule, or don't like to spend a lot of time working out.
  • It can improve your cardiovascular health. Alternating between periods of max effort and recovery can improve heart health and strengthen the heart and lungs by improving oxygen efficiency.
  • It can help you retain muscle. Unlike steady-state cardio, HIIT exercise preserves muscle mass, as the rapid intensity changes force your muscles to work harder, increasing strength, and fueling fat loss.
  • It's for everyone. Regardless of your current fitness level or age, anyone can participate in HIIT training.

Combining HIIT with other types of training throughout the week can help you maximize the health benefits you can get from your exercise routine:

  • Strength training: helps you build and maintain muscle
  • Mobility and stretching: enhances your flexibility and reduces the risk of injuries
  • Steady-state cardio (brisk walking, cycling or jogging): supports endurance and aerobic capacity without overtaxing the body
  • Rest and recovery days: essential for muscle repair and preventing burnout
woman on an exercise bike

Types of HIIT Workouts

One of the key benefits of HIIT training is that it is flexible, which means there are a variety of ways to incorporate it into your routine based on your current home gym setup.

Treadmill HIIT: great for boosting your cardiovascular endurance and leg strength.

  • How to do it:
    • 5 minute warm up
    • 30 second sprint, followed by a 30 second walk (repeat for 10-15 minutes)
    • 5 minute cool down
  • Our product pick: BowFlex T9 Treadmill

Indoor Cycling HIIT: perfect for intense cardio with minimal impact on your joints.

  • How to do it:
    • 5 minute warm up
    • 40 second high-resistance sprint, followed by a 20 second low-resistance recovery (repeat for 15-20 minutes)
    • 5 minute cool down
  • Our product pick: BowFlex C6 bike

Max Trainer HIIT: part stepper part elliptical, the BowFlex Max Trainer is designed for HIIT workouts — plus, it engages both your upper and lower body for a full-body workout.

  • How to do it:
    • 5 minute warm up
    • 25 seconds max intensity, followed by 80 seconds at a slow pace (repeat for 10-15 minutes)
    • 5 minute cool down
  • Our product pick: BowFlex Max Total 16

Looking for more Max Trainer workouts? A JRNY adaptive fitness membership offers trainer-led workouts specifically for the Max Trainer, as well as hundreds of Explore the World destinations to keep you motivated during each session.

A Week of HIIT Workouts

Ready to give HIIT a try? Here's a suggested 7-day workout plan that pairs HIIT-based strength and cardio with time for rest and recovery. You can find more free workouts on our BowFlex YouTube channel.

  • Monday: Strength HIIT + mobility
  • Tuesday: Cardio HIIT
    • 20-30 minute HIIT session on an indoor cycling bike or treadmill
      • 30 seconds of work, followed by 30 seconds of rest
  • Wednesday — Rest & Stretching
    • Yoga or active recovery
  • Thursday: Strength Training & HIIT
  • Friday: Cardio HIIT
  • Saturday: Steady-State Cardio + mobility
    • 30-45 minutes of steady-state cardio (light jogging or cycling)
    • Mobility exercises — (dynamic stretches & foam rolling)
  • Sunday: Rest & Stretching
    • Yoga or Active Recovery
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