
Fit Tip with James White, BowFlex Contributor. A simple formula to get lean & strong.

Fit Tip: A Simple Formula To Get Lean and Strong

Posted On Jul 29, 2019 By James White

In a previous post we talked about mixing cardio and strength. I outlined a few goals within that post – see here – and wanted to break down each goal more. Today we will be talking about Goal 1: How to Get Strong and Lose Body Fat.... Read More
Fit Tip with James White BowFlex Contributor. Strength Training Without Weights.

Fit Tip: Strength Training Without Weights

Posted On Jul 12, 2019 By James White

The first bodyweight exercises I ever did were pushups, sit-ups and jumping jacks. Perhaps the same was true for you. Beyond pushups,... Read More
Fit Tip with Amy Kiser Schemper, BowFlex Fitness Advisor. 4th of July Bodyweight HIIT Workout.

Fit Tip: 4th of July Bodyweight HIIT Workout

Posted On Jul 3, 2019 By Amy Kiser Schemper

Summer is here, the kids are out of school, and many of us have stored up our vacation days for travel around the big Fourth of July Holiday. Celebrating Independence Day often means lounging around on the beach or by the pool, sipping cocktails, eating delicious... Read More
Fit Tip with Amy Kiser Schemper, BowFlex Fitness Advisor. Shape Up Part 3: Summer Abs.

Fit Tip: Shaping Summer Abs

Posted On Jun 5, 2019 By Amy Kiser Schemper

Summer abs… two words that give many of us anxiety. The idea of putting on a swimsuit or baring our midsection after hiding behind winter clothes can be daunting. This has been on my mind a lot lately after having... Read More
A woman leaning against a BowFlex Max Trainer after a great workout.

Spring Clean Your Home Gym like Marie Kondo

Posted On May 24, 2019 By BowFlex Insider Team

After the long winter many of us get an urge to spring clean our homes and freshen up our spaces as we prepare for warmer months. This year many of us got a head start after being inspired by Marie Kondo’s Netflix special, “Tidying Up.”... Read More